Have you ever said “I’m not a computer person.” or “I am not good at sales.” ?

…Well my friends that is a Self-Limiting belief!

By saying statements like that you are actually telling your subconscious mind that you can’t do it and will not even be open to learning how to do it!

…It’s like having your foot on the break when trying to drive.  Yes you want to get to the destination but unconsciously have your foot on the break!

#1. Get on our morning mindset call!  This is not opportunity specific and can help you in just more then your business. Life in general!  I suggest you add these phone numbers to your circle of friends on your phone plan so you get unlimited calling to it!
9am EST/6am PST
Access Code: 565762#
Replay Number: 712-432-0990 (usually up for about 12 hours after call)

Get rid of those Self Limiting beliefs because that’s all they do is limit you from your true potential.

Work with me Personally!

In this video Mike explains this more in detail.  Enjoy!

8/31/2012 07:20:53 am

I would like to see more information on your Lyoness program...

Thank you ;-D


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